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Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016


"Teknologi berasal dari pikiran yang terasah"

Keterkaitan antara manusia dan teknologi yang diciptakan, terbukti nyata mampu membantu menyelesaikan banyak permasalahan dunia. Kita semua selalu tertarik dengan hadirnya teknologi baru oleh para penemu, baik perangkat lunak atau barang jadi, apalagi bila sesuai dengan kultur yang ada di Indonesia.

Seperti juga dengan kemunculan teknologimachine learning. Apa itu machine learning? Bagi yang belum populer dengan istilah tersebut, ini merupakan cabang lanjutan Artificial Intelligent (AI), yang sering digunakan oleh perangkat, dan mampu mengenal sebuah kejadian tanpa perintah dari operator. Lebih jauh, machine learning memiliki algoritma yang dapat menerima dan mempelajari informasi yang masuk, tanpa perlu diawasi.
Vinod Khosla (Khosla Ventures) ketika berbincang dengan Vator (CEO Bambi Francisco) mengungkapkan, bahwa ia merasa dampak dari machine learning di kehidupan sosial akan jauh lebih hebat dibandingkan dengan dampak dari perangkat mobile dahulu kala. Tidak ada pengecualian sektor industri, semuanya akan merasakan dan memanfaatkan implementasimachine learning.
Ada dua kondisi yang bertolak belakang mana kala machine learning telah menjadi panduan dari perkembangan teknologi. Machine learning akan menjadi peluang dan kesempatan yang besar bagi wirausaha dan praktisi teknologi, serta investor, untuk semakin ‘kaya’ dalam berkreasi di berbagai bidang bisnis.
Sisi lainnya, harus diwaspadai bahwa akan ada banyak pemotongan tenaga kerja, karena pekerjaan mereka telah tergantikan dengan konsep machine learning tersebut. Memang pekerjaan tersebut tidak akan hilang dan masih akan terus dilakukan, namun bertransformasi ke dalam machine learning.
Contoh hal kecil saja yang terjadi pada Microsoft Office Word, yang mampu secara otomatis melakukan pengecekan ejaan terhadap berbagai bahasa. Bayangkan bila jutaan kata yang terlah tersusun, harus dibaca berulang-ulang kali untuk menghindari salah eja, guna memperoleh penulisan yang sempurna. Hal ini telah banyak meringankan pekerjaan manusia dari waktu ke waktu.
Sebuah contoh lainnya baru-baru ini, pada bulan April 2015 lalu, Amazon meluncurkan sebuah penawaran servis The Amazon Machine Learning, yang mampu membuat, menghubungkan, dan memanipulasi sumber data, model, prediksi, dan evaluasi, menggunakan Amazon S3, Redshift, dan set API. AML akan bekerja secara real-time sesuai dengan data yang masuk ke sistem tersebut.
Melengkapi kerja machine learning, istilah Natural Language Processing (NLP) juga akan semakin familiar di telinga, serta mampu menambah kegunaan dari asisten pribadi. NLP juga mempercepat perkembangan machine learning karena mampu menjembatani bahasa manusia dengan bahasa digital. Hal ini sekaligus menjadi pendekatan khusus terhadap bahasa manusia, untuk lebih dapat memahami siapa kamu, termasuk membuat detail-detail pekerjaan yang akan kamu lakukan.
Salah satu keuntungan kemajuan teknologi ini adalah keamanan di berbagai industri, yang selama ini sering terjadi penyalahgunaan di dalamnya. Misalnya pada dunia perbankan,machine learning dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menganalisis perilaku nasabah dalam berinteraksi dan bertransaksi online, sehingga dapat disimpulkan apakah terjadi penyelewengan dana atau tidak.
Namun, tidak usah takut terhadap istilah machine learning. Sewajarnya pencipta atau inisiator mempergunakan sebaik-baiknya untuk mempermudah dan memangkas biaya dalam sebuah proses, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan, baik perusahaan atau pun perorangan. (KA)
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5 Ways to Make Money Online From Home

It pays to cast your financial net online, where possibilities abound.
Monetizing your expertise -- whether in social networking or transcribing -- is one way to make money while sitting at your computer at home. But others also are popping up, such as taking online surveys or even predicting election results.
The good part: You don't have to pay a dime. And with some sites, you can start to make money online immediately. Most of these gigs are small, steady streams of cash. But they can add up to steady earnings over time.
To avoid scams, forget unknown or untested sites with big promises. "Find out if the site is legitimate," says Nick Mokey, associate editor of DigitalTrends.com. "How long has it been around? And what are they asking you to do?"
Also, keep a clock running so you can maximize your income without wasting your time. Follow these rules, and you'll find the Internet awash in moneymaking opportunities.
Pitch products online
Pitching other people's products is one of the Internet's best-paying gigs.
One method is being an affiliate at a mega-site such as Amazon.com, where commissions are up to 25 percent. Anytime anyone buys a product you're pitching, you get a cut. And you can choose from more than a million products, including gift cards or computers.
At ClickBank, commissions are even higher -- up to 75 percent -- and there are more than 50,000 products to choose from. Signing up is free.
On the downside, some ClickBank products can be of poor quality, says Bethany Mooradian, owner of QueenoftheRandomJob.com. So some products are easier to pitch than others. One solution is to buy the product ahead of time to assess its quality, she says.
Dish out answers
If you're an information junkie, this gig is for you.
There are several to choose from to make money online. At kgbanswers.com and JustAnswer.com, you become an expert after taking a brief test. At these websites, a customer asks a question and receives an answer from an "expert." At kgbanswers, answers come via your smartphone. At JustAnswers, answers come via email or text message. Both offer subscription and per-question alternatives.
Brainiacs are also welcome at ChaCha, which pays you small amounts of money for completing guide tasks. Advice runs the gamut from solving puzzles to answering questions on set subjects. Payouts can be small but steady.
Building a following on ChaCha is the hardest part, though, Mooradian says. The reason: You're listed along with 62,000 other experts. Also, ChaCha rates are pretty slim, ranging from 1 cent to 20 cents per task. Though savvy experts can make money online, don't give up your day job.
Perform a microgig
You can offer your services online at task marketplaces such as fiverr.com or Zaarly.com. At fiverr, workers fulfill tasks starting at $5 per job. Zaarly.com offers a similar service. It has launched its first storefront in San Francisco but has workers performing tasks all around the U.S.
Or, even better, head to Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk.com, says Mokey. More than 200,000 tasks are listed there to make money online, with varying pay and work requirements. Once a task is completed, payments are deposited in your Amazon Payments account.
"In the worldwide marketplace of today, your skills can be used for anything, including mapping," Mokey says. However, you're also competing against people in developing nations who are willing to work for pennies, he says.
To maximize earnings, evaluate tasks carefully.
Can you make accurate predictions?
Are you good at forecasting election results or the price of gold?
Then predictive sites are for you. Introduced by the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 2008, binary options are financial contracts that let you earn money by predicting the rise or fall of financial assets. You can buy them at binary option brokers.
The website Intrade is another twist in prediction-making. You can predict hundreds of events -- such as presidential election results or Academy Award winners -- by buying shares if you think the event will happen or selling shares if you think it won't happen. If your prediction is accurate, you make money. If it isn't, you lose money.
"Some power users buy thousands of shares at a time," says Carl Wolfenden, exchange operations manager at Dublin-based Intrade.com. "Others put $50 down and hold their shares. It's a lot of fun."
You should be warned that you can lose your entire investment, Wolfenden says. On the winning side, your money-making potential is unlimited.
Take an online survey
Put your money where your mouth is by giving advertisers your opinions.
To find a job, head to websites such as MindFieldOnline.com, GlobalTestMarket.com or ZoomPanel.com, Mooradian says. They offer points and rewards for taking wide-ranging opinion surveys.
Another site, eJury.com, will pay you for being part of online mock juries, Mooradian says. EJurors are paid $5 to $10 per verdict.
The attorney prepares the case submission, which consists of facts from the perspective of each party. EJury converts the attorney's case submission into an HTML format and posts it to a secure location on the website where only eJurors can access the case. EJurors review the facts of the case and answer questions, each clicking a "submit verdict" button upon completion.
But don't expect big paydays. "Surveys are good for making pocket change," Mooradian says. "Payouts are only pennies to a few dollars per survey."
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How to Make Money Online: The Basics

Let’s say you’re a newbie to the world of online sales and are looking to make money online, but you’re starting with a small startup budget. With the blinding wealth of information available for new business owners, knowing how to spend your limited funds can be a bit intimidating. 
Here is a five-step checklist to help get you started and guide you toward success. 

1. Spend time getting feedback on what you’re selling before launching.

Don’t rely on affirmation from friends and family to validate that you have a unique and salable product or service. Chances are, these people are emotionally attached to you, and they’re more likely to think every idea you share is the greatest thing since Nutella. Getting feedback from people who are emotionally attached to you is a “disaster from the start,” says Adam Callinan, founder of BottleKeeper.
Get market validation from potential customers who aren’t in your social circle. Some entrepreneurs use the “will they pull out their wallet” test before investing money in a business. Callinan, who’d come up with a prototype for an individual beer bottle cooler, ran a crowdfunding campaign on Fundable to gauge pre-orders for his product. His campaign raised nearly $14,000, 280 percent of his $5,000 goal.
Besides Fundable, there are a number of crowdfunding platforms to choose from including KickstarterIndiegogo and Rockethub.
Other ways to get people’s feedback, says Sujan Patel, vice-president of Marketing at When I Work, is using customer insight survey tools, such as Qualaroo and Client Heartbeat. If you’re just starting out, surveys are a chance to find out what the customer is hoping the product/service will solve or do for him or her. If you’re already in business, surveys can ask how the customer found out about the product or service, whether the customer is willing to be a return customer and why.  
Or if you’re in a job in the industry you plan on starting a business in,get feedback from the people at your job -- your manager and clients -- says Steve Tobak, founder of Invisor Consulting

2. Have a website.

You must have a website, says Joel Widmer, founder of Fluxe Digital Marketing. Not only for the obvious -- to have something to refer customers back to -- but having a website builds your brand’s digital footprint. Keep your site simple and copy-driven with opportunities for email captures on every page.
Three easy steps to having your own website to sell products without spending a lot of cash are:
  • Select a content management system (CMS), such as WordPress, which is popular for its user friendliness and is free.
  • Register a domain name and subscribe to a hosting service, such as GoDaddy or Bluehost.
  • Customize your CMS with ecommerce-enabling plugins and themes. WooCommerce offers free ecommerce themes for WordPress, such as Storefront. Also, WP eCommerce andMarketPress are additional free ecommerce plugin options.
  • Or for anyone setting up an e-commerce site, both Shopify andSquarespace are easy e-commerce platforms that allow you to build an e-commerce site yourself. 

3. Know your competition and customers.

Study up on both competitor and complementary brands (i.e. if you are selling a fire alarm, then look for “house safety” websites). Widmer says your customers will be hanging out on websites for both competitor and complementary brands. He recommends using search tools such as SimilarWeb and Google’s related-search results (located at the bottom of every Google search) to see what sites your prospective customer may be visiting.
Other free research tools to get to know your market, suggests Brandon Schaefer, CEO of MyVirtualSalesForce, are LinkedIn (to see who competitor brands are connecting with and what types of updates they're posting), Google Alerts (for brand mentions and keywords) andGoogle Trends.
4. Create an action plan for sales and marketing.
To earn your first million in sales, says Patel, work backwards and put a number on what it takes in monthly revenue to get to a million your first year -- meaning how many units, subscriptions or services must be sold. Create benchmarks to reach. Even if you don’t reach them, you have a blueprint.
One way to reach your goal is to figure out which marketing avenues to leverage. Given the wealth of social-media possibilities, start with one or two social-media outlets where you know your audience is. In general, for new products the best channels are Facebook and Pinterest, says Widmer. For expertise and services, try LinkedIn.
Also, two effective and free marketing strategies are blogging on your own site and guest blogging on complementary sites. This strategy helps build content and a digital footprint for your brand, says Widmer. For guidance on what hot topics to blog about, Buzzsumo, a free web service, allows you to input any domain or topic and get a list of the 10 most popular related posts at the moment. It can also inform you of what popular sites to hit up for guest blogging.
Should you guest blog, use the opportunity to lead users back to your site and capture emails, says Widmer. One way to do so is to use a “call to action” -- where you offer the reader something of value, such as a free how-to eBook or a must-have checklist -- that the user can get or download by going back to your website and providing an email address.  
Some other marketing tools? The free KingSumo app allows you to capture email subscribers through giveaways; Facebook Ads start at $1; and the e-newsletter tool MailChimp has a free option and is drag-and-drop easy.
5. Do as much yourself as you can.
The DIY mentality will usually save you money if your budget is limited. Also, it allows you to control the process and brand, explains Callinan, who built his ecommerce site from scratch by talking to others who’d already done ecommerce sites successfully. Don't farm out jobs you can do yourself, especially in the beginning. 
If you need on-demand expertise from entrepreneurs with a track record, try Clarity, says Widmer. The service allows the user to get specific, consultant-level advice for a fee.
All startups are a gamble -- but as Patel advises, whose company will hit $10 million in revenue this year, “Hone in on where your strengths are and double down.”
This piece originally published on July 7, 2015
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Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Shorte.st Review

As the name suggests, it is a link shortener service based on Europe. You are already familiar with bit.ly, right? This one is far way better than that. Actually this service is linked with an advertise network which helps us to earn the money.
It’s the best and quick way to earn money so far.

How To Start?
Just visit the site by typing shorte.st and enter
Click on the link join on the home page
You are a single step away from the success. Just enter email id two times and the password then click register.
Hurray, you are done! Have a look in your inbox for the activation mail and activate. That’s all. Enjoy monetizing your links and be prepare to give me a party 😉
High commission compared to other networks
Don’t have to wait for the approval
User-friendly interface and interesting tools to bag the highest
Referral System with high payout
Real-time statistics to be aware about your earnings
How To Earn Money?
shorte.st make money from links
Though there are not a single way to earn money with shortes.st, the primary way is to shorten the links. We will credit with money to our account when someone clicks on our link and see the ad.
Several Ways To Earn From Short Links
You can earn by sharing your link on FB groups, Google plus, twitter and wherever people gathers. Try to choose an interesting source. So that you will get a higher Click Through Rate.
Just shorten the link of all your blog posts, when someone asks for your blog or a post links, give them the shortened link.
Do you have a WordPress blog? Then there is also a plugin available. Install and automate all the shortening.
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