Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Horizontal Post

To add Post by Label (Horizontal Post) widget follow this step
  1. on Dashbord Blogger Click Layout
  2. Click Add a Gadget
  3. Choose HTML/Javascript
  4. Copy this Code:

    <div id="sportpost"></div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
  5. Click Save
  6. Note: In tagName is name of the Post Label that will show. on this sample is "Sports"mean will display artikel from Sports label.
Slider, Horizontal Post and Vertical Post use by one Javascript Script and You can see Default Code to Call this Plugin look like below::
blogURL: "",
MaxPost: 4,
ImageSize: "s80-p",   
Summarylength: 100,
ShowDesc: false,
ShowDate: true,
ShowComment: true,
Random: false,     
postType: "v",  
pBlank: "",
MonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
tagName: false
blogURLYours blog URL or you can leave it blank to load JSON where this script load.
MaxPostMaximum number of article will be show
SummarylengthNumber of summary characters to show.
ImageSizeImage Format use Picasa/Blogspot image format:
To make square image (200x200) Image Format use like this "s200-c" or "s200-p". image will be crop to make it square.
Blogspot Image format also look like this : "s200" (if image landscape width will 200px. If image Portrait height will 200px), "w200" (image width will 200px) or "h200" (image height will 200px)
FirstImageSizeImage Format use Picasa/Blogspot image format:
To make square image (200x200) Image Format use like this "s200-c" or "s200-p". image will be crop to make it square.
Blogspot Image format also look like this : "s200" (if image landscape width will 200px. If image Portrait height will 200px), "w200" (image width will 200px) or "h200" (image height will 200px)
ShowDescTo Show All Description (Just Work on Horizontal and Vertical PostType). Default is false
ShowDateTo Show Date: Default is true
ShowCommentTo show Comment: Default is true (Just Work on Horizontal and Vertical PostType).
RandomTo make post ramdom: Default is false
postTypeThere are Three kind of PostType: "v" (vertical Post), "h" (horizontal Post) and "s" (Slider Post)
pBlankBackup image if post don't have image
MonthNamesFormat months name
tagNameIf you want to show Post by the Label. Example: to show post from Sports Label just write like this tagName:"Sports"
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